These are the cookie crumbs for my depreciating mind.

Author: Tristan (Page 13 of 17)


A year in a night.

I suppose I have wanted to write for awhile now but I always get this feeling when I am about to go to sleep so I just let it go writing down a few notes here or there, well after a year those notes start to add up.

I cannot catch you up on a year but I can try to write about right now that has lingering moments from the year itself.

To me the year does not end when a ball drops or when the numbers change on a calendar but when my life feels as though it is charting a course for change or I start to get inspired to get off my ass and make things happen.

So lets go to the last 5 months. I had just finished directing another musical production of  the Fantasticks at a community theatre in Bedford NY. It was amazing how much fun I have directing. I love working with people and helping them grow as people and as actors. This was no exception. But this time not only did I work with people I did not know but I also got a chance to work with my Father. He tried out for one of the parts. For the first time my dad got to see a part of me he only heard of over cross country phone calls or coming to a show when I was younger after all the work had been done. He only really saw the finished product not the process involved, the process which I pride myself greatly upon. I believe the way I work is really what I enjoy, sure I like to watch the show with the audience but I really like to come into the “safe” rehearsal space where I drop my jacket to the ground without thinking twice, a place that is almost as safe as home. And this time my Dad got to see me in that environment and how I worked with people. It came with its ups and downs. It is not easy to work with family for business, especially when you are directing them. However, it worked out well and he was able to see me as me, not as the shadow I considered myself to him.

I always pictured myself somewhat in my fathers shadow since his life has gone on a similar path as mine. But when I got hired in California I started to branch off from that idea, but he never got to see the growth. I got to sit down with him at one point during production and explain to him, I am not him, I am not making his mistakes nor do I think negatively of his choices. I just needed him to know I was a different person and sometimes he has to, even though proximity to him is closer now, let me be me and not look to guide. I still reach out to my family for guidance but during production I needed him to not be my Dad at certain points and certain points I did. It was a rough balance that often ended in heated arguments. But he got to see and understand who I am and have grown to be. It was refreshing. We used to have a saying of me “hitting a wall” and I was always soo afraid I would continue to hit that wall when I was doing well, a sort of self destructive attribute hard coded into my brain when I was being successful. I guess that is why it was so hard for me to leave my old job, I thought fuck am I doing it again. Turns out I have grown out of that and the choice was right.

I also got to be the outside director not influenced by community ties and really cast as I saw fit, with the input of a few trusted people next to me. And even with some people screaming in my ear NOT to hire certain people, I made the choices as I saw would benefit the show. And guess what, it worked! I had my doubts at times, but when it was all said and done I was so proud.

Some of that pride however was shit on by some strong egos of the community and I learned a valuable lesson. I learned I would not support that community anymore other than for that of my family. But they burned the bridge with me, as opposed to me burning my own bridge. But that is OK, that IS community theatre.

Well right after this production , I decided it was time to quit smoking. This was influenced very much on a promise I made to a person in my life that had changed it in less than 3 conversations. So on March 15th, the IDES of march, I did just that. And without any cessation  device I quit cold turkey.

What I did then was not what I planned. After that show, I had nothing else to prepare for. Up until that show I was swamped with projects here and there. Making very little money but making a constant flow of work. All of which didn’t get me any closer to figuring out the mystery of why I left my job and what I would do for the rest of my life. Part of the reason I decided to direct a community theatre gig. A way for me to get back to my roots. I wanted to see how I felt about it still.

Well, for the next 4 months I sat at my computer and build a community within a video game called APB. I played every day and gathered a following of 1600+ people viewing my live streams of me PLAYING my video game. I got sponsored by the site so I would make money depending on commercial plays. So I invested and sat and played. I made a lot of new virtual friends and loved every moment of it, but  as I looked at the numbers I realized this would never be enough to live on, and that began to grow on me, and so I got depressed. I played to just keep the motion forward, but I cut out everyone in my life. The no smoking and no workout and no life outside my home was wearing on me.

Somehow I met a girl during all of this and it was the perfect relationship for what was happening. It was very independent of my life and she was passive enough to not mind my absence from life most of the time to stream a game which I called my job, but in turn it was me escaping from reality.

Lets just say at the end of the four months of doing this, things started to get very bad in my head and I exploded internally all at once. This explosion happened at my Sisters birthday party in the city. I had to leave the comfort zone of my house and go out and see my entire family, face my sisters who were being successful in college and one who just got hired in a very lucrative position at a major game company. So success was all around me, and I looked at myself as a failure, I didn’t want to sit at the table and share anything because I felt low and like a failure. I broke that night. I went outside with my sister and I grabbed at her cigarettes and smoked one down fast. And BLAM clarity. The fog of life lifted for a moment and seeing the world around me. Fuck I gained 15 lbs, fuck I have no job, fuck I need to go out, fuck I need to work out, fuck I am in a dead end relationship.  That night I walked home, clouded but clear. I bought a pack of cigarettes and decided to smoke if that is what I needed to fix this shit.

The next day, I stopped streaming the game, I ended things with the girl I was dating, and I started cleaning house, literally and metaphorically. I began reaching out to stylists and friends and family, and I started preparing photo shoots and working out.

It was all such a mess still. I needed more panic attack medication than normal just to go through the day, my head was exploding with this strange clouded feeling that presses on your brain making it unable to decompress the millions of thoughts a day.

But I was going forward and I felt new.

A week went by and I setup my first photoshoot in over 6 months. I met with my hairstylist and got my hair cut, discussed life, discussed love, women, and how I wish there was someone out there that understood what it meant to have no walls and to see the world as just that, the world a place to enjoy, a place where you can walk down the street and be so tuned into one another you don’t need lengthy emails or words of passion but your eyes and experiences shape into love.

I think he saw I was still down and invited me to stay over for a little he was having friends over. I declined as I am not always comfortable being alone at things like that, and went on my way. As I reached the subway platform at 42nd street, I saw a girl with nice shoes on a smile on her face. I decided to brighten her day and complimented her shoes. She was quick to smile and say thank you, as I left the subway train I smacked myself for not saying more but was happy I said anything at all. I then opened up my OKCupid account on my phone and a new feature was available, proximity dating… I clicked it and pictures of people in the area popped up. A girl who looked just like her popped up and I clicked it quickly to say hello and see if they wanted to grab a bite to eat. But my phone reversed it and she was lost when I refreshed. I was like FUCK NOOO NO NO !!! So I went onto my browser and found it had saved it in the history and quickly messaged her.

To my surprise she answered me, and then my phone beeped as it was on 10% battery life. FUCK android phone die in seconds after it hits 10%. I tried to see if she was still in the area only to find out she was back in washington heights where I just had come from. Strange… She was passing under me on the subway and it located her in my area for that split second. Wow what a thought. I read her profile numerous times, and she said she could talk when I got home. So we talked, then we im’d, then we skyped. And it started off invasive and intense but turned into a very nice conversation and got my heart fluttering. What was this fate of an encounter through a dating site app on a phone..

So I asked if she would meet up with me the next day and we did. We met at the park  I saw her crossing the street before she saw me and thought, wow… she is beautiful, long dark hair, amazing body, cute sunglasses, I hope she isn’t dumb haha. I found a nice spot under some trees by the water, watching the row boats going by. We sat together and she eventually snuggled up into me.  I was amazed at how she just did as she wanted, no hesitance. She was just her. So when the time was right in my head I followed suit and having the urge to kiss her I gently took my hand under her chin point her head up toward mine and kissed, no double guessing or thinking, and it was perfect.

We continued to talk about our families and the traumas and love and siblings and everything. So fast so open, I had just told Mauricio my hair stylist, this didn’t exist in American women.

She had to go teach yoga to the homeless so we left and I followed her out of the park to a cab. It was a hot nasty sweaty day but she was sweaty too so who cared.

She said if you want you can meet me after. I was hesitant, still coming out of my 4 month shell. So she said, either way, is fine if you are there we will hang out if not no harm no foul.

So I sat on the corner for a little thinking it over and decided fuck it, and walked to where she was working. That walk itself was surreal, the transformation from 72nd to 110th and lex is crazy. You go from uptight, to rich, to students, to loud and obnoxious, to hepless, to gangs, to scared, to holy fuck I am like a shining bright star in the middle of this place with my pale ass skin. WHICH btw we checked earlier she had the same skin color as mine, whoa weird haha.

When I got to her apartment it was warm and inviting. She had a house guest staying with her, so we couldn’t really just talk, but she grabbed her laptop and began typing to me and we had a silent conversation. I went out on her bacony to smoke and just pearing into the window at this girl that came out of no where, wondering if she would be the girl to skip down the streets of New York with and see things I had seen hundreds of times before but because I was with her, it would be different and new and wonderful.

So we are at today, we are dating. Our first few DATES were intense, we talked about intense shit involving childhood, memories, lack of memories, traumas, etc. We cried we laughed and we pulled away, but she saw me each time for who I was, she saw into my emotes and knew my feelings and it was scary and nice all at the same time.

It is still a roller coaster. I wonder how things will turn out, but I know that that person I met and continue to get to know is special and adds to my life. I just need to know that we can skip down the street, spontaneously smile laugh kiss and go home wrapped up in each other without needing to say a thing.

It got me thinking, all we really have in life is our interactions and our words. We may live in NYC or in Hawaii or in a hole, but when all is said and done and we have died what did we have.. we had interactions. We had a world that says DO SOMETHING to be productive but we are all just flailing around like children grasping for that metal jungle gym that had a real physicality to it. But now that we are older it is as if we jumped from a plane and are floating to the ground without anything around us but air and looking down knowing there is a landing, but knowing that landing is probably death. So we interact, we talk. And those are what are important to me. I look forward to waking up and doin the daily flails, like a workout or homework, or looking for a job, but I know I really just want to have those conversations that take the meaningless existence and make it tolerable make it into a smile, turn it into a bbq with friends and family.

Because honestly even at events what do we do, we interact. And it is weird and scary to think of it like that. But unless you are curing the world, or solving things greater than you and EVEN if you are, you are still just a bunch of words and interactions with the people around you, and with the ones you love, those are more important than any cure or peace in the world. We sit in flat beds of trucks in the middle of no where camping, but what is camping, going outside with a sleeping bag, and laying on the ground or walking in dirt. What makes it great is the interactions with the people around you.

It is hard to really put my feelings on this into words, but I guess it all goes back to happiness is not where you or what you are doing, but a state of mind.

For instance I cleaned out my bathroom in preparation for a move I have coming up and even though I hated it, I felt happy that I was cleaning and getting it done. You don’t need to be doing things that make you feel good to feel good. You don’t need an epic story to tell a tale.

So now I am in limbo still, a forward motion that has halted a little as I struggle with the motion itself with jobs and ideas of jobs, and health and etc.

I dream of my fears often, I dream I am at my old job and I feel a sense of security that I have money coming in, but I hate that I am back. I feel wronged with that whole situation still. I was befriended when I got to my job, but a few years later, 10000 gay jokes, and belittlements to boot, I felt like I was in the position that had been talked about so often, people being put above you to make you leave, so that you aren’t fired. An uncomfortable situation that makes you want to go. I mean I had a feeling as the job was changing that the interactive aspects I thrived at were less and less that I would be less content. So it was the right thing to do to resign. But I also miss the benefits and the comfort of the job security. Problem is if I am not happy I will eventually sabotage myself and burn my bridges. And I didn’t want that. The company meant to much to me to do that to them and myself.

I remember one of the turning points was when my ex was going through drug problems and I was working out with a trainer, coming in early and saying “Nothing you can say right now can bring me down, because we all woke up today and we all have a load on our plates” before I could be told nice man purse or something stupid.

It is amazing to me that at the LOWEST OF LOW I was able to smile and make my day work, make the time go by, without fear of time. Just being in the moment to the fullest.

It helps when you can see the problems of others to help you deal with your own. But it is only a bandage to the bigger problem which I solved by moving back to NYC.

I guess a lot of these thoughts also come up again because I am moving, not into the city but 3 blocks down from my current apartment which is 15 minutes out of NYC on a bus. Which is not a problem especially because it is bigger and cheaper than ANYTHING I could get in NYC but I still yearn to just be in that life again even though I like this one, it is a conflict in my head I cannot solve.

I still search for my meaning and what I want to do. And my year started a month ago when I took the first drag of that cigarette and realized I needed a change.

And once again I order the patch and plan to embark on that one as well : )

Oh, I cut my hair short,

I lost 10 lbs,

I went from 17bmi to 14, and I pulled something in my foot that is impeding my workout at the moment. Wooo.

OH and I found out the klonopin I am on for panic attacks makes it difficult to reach orgasm. Fun times.

But I smile, I write now, I fear some of the things I write, because people can take it wrong, but I will always be me, open as a book, open to pain, resilient to it as well, because if I wasn’t how else would I know if I was doing it right.

Crying is important, and I was finally able to do so with Shae a few weeks back. But I lock it inside sometimes and wait for an explosion.

My past came back to haunt me again, with memories still hidden but words confirming they were real. Not sure how to take that one yet.

Oh I started reading a book after 14 years of not reading a single one. I just wish I could interact more about it, I don’t like to read for myself I like to read to bring what I learn to a discussion. I guess that will come with the more I read. It still pains me to read haha. The Myth of Freedom

What’s Wrong?

Whats wrong?

Simple really, I stopped smoking and through that I lost ambition to workout, and without working out I gained weight, without smoking I gained it faster. At the same time I finished a long term job and now have none. And without smoking I am in a cloud of fuck, and in this cloud of fuck I can’t make reasonable decisions. At the same time I have to figure out my apartment situation which is always fun stress when the lease is going to end, and at the same time I feel like a failure. Yet my family who praised me for my accomplishments still aren’t privy to that fact, so I feel like I am letting everyone down. What are you working on. I HAVE NO IDEA cause I DUNNO WHAT I WANNA WORK ON. I am lost, soul searching to the extreme. And then I think about dating and I have and I wonder how can anyone date me and not see failure, when I know inside I am not a failure, I am just in a weird place, but then I look in the mirror and see failure. There ya go. Oh and I did the math and by the time I am 30 I will be flat ass broke. I am a fucking catch right now.

Some how though I can still smile and spend money and be me. Yet inside I fucking rip and tear and shred at myself. I just wanna know how to share what I have to offer with the world in a way that I can accomplish the things I want, the need for recognition, and the need to be me, not a character in someone else’s story.

I am actually fine with not smoking now, I feel better smell better etc, but then I look at the weight and the lack of inspiration to do anything about it and then money comes to mind I can’t afford a trainer like I used to be able to.

I am being proactive though I bought resistance bands and am going to start p90x / insanity hybrid. I needed something less impactful on the floor to not annoy neighbors after 3. 

Oh funny story, I have no idea what I look like in the mirror, and I also want to just eat a can of tuna when I see myself getting past a certain weight. Yeah I have been like that for many years, awesome trait. I am 160-162 right now and I used to be 153-155. You would think hey no biggie, to me it isn’t the ripped self I saw was possible with a trainer and it will affect my life.

Girls don’t judge appearance like us guys do, but I swear I feel like if I am not my 100% when I first meet someone physically then I am fucking it up. And that is messed up. Cause I am always me, but I think that way. And dare I say how HARD it is to maintain what I consider to be 100% fuck…

I wanna be in shape, because deep down in my subconscious I have to look like the movie stars because I swore one day I would be one, so then there is that… the thought that I have taken the easy way out of being behind the camera instead of infront of it. Although I just don’t wanna be in front of it for the same reasons anymore. I want it to be ME infront of it. And not talking about youtube videos but being able to help.

I think I can do this with my writing but am unsure how to setup a place for me to organize my stuff into any readable order and also a place where people can interact or ask me questions because I am best when I can 1 on 1.

I wanna move, I like my place but I don’t at the same time it feels constricting. I just wanna re-organize my desks aka part of my life.

I wanna love, but I don’t know how to find love anymore ever since I thought I found it. Which in turn made me soo much more picky. It raised my standards again after dropping them after many years.

Well there ya go. Journal entry to no one, yet to everyone.

Not sure if I am keeping this one public yet… so yeah.

Lost in txtlation

Why is txting so popular?

How many times when you get a text do you think to yourself, MAN I have to TYPE THIS OUT!?!? Or you get a frustration with trying to convey a one word answer by hitting numerous keys.

Well it seems if you feel this way you may be the odd man out.

Texting, AIM, Email, Facebook messages, Myspace, etc., these have all become a common place to talk to someone. It is no longer calling someone up on the phone to chat but through a mediator such as MySpace.

So what makes these forms of interaction so popular? I have a couple of theories.

For people trying to pick up one another, such as one would do at a bar, these forms of interaction make for a very safe environment.

Think of it if you may, as a book. You pick up a book and can interpret the writers words with whatever your imagination can dream up. There is a sense of magic here. You could even say in the case of meeting someone new, it has that sense of romanticism(movie romance) as you read into each word the other types and try to make it fit what you want, feel, ate for lunch.

But these books don’t end when you end the conversation for the night. These books keep living and breathing, having their own lives, with interaction, dreams, work, and so on. The next time you pick up the book the cover may have changed and the title altered, the pages may even be more worn than when you last picked it up. Thus is human nature for our day to day lives to take effect on our overall story, but to the person not physically in our lives the words still look the same as they did the night before and the everyday use not noticeable through the hard cover, perhaps we will call it the computer screen. So before you know it they are reading a book about vampires when they swore if they ever had anything to do with Sparkly Vampire books they would kill themselves.

Txts, aim, and email are like living a relationship as if it were a book, able to form your own opinions on who is on the other side. And who doesn’t dream big or disappoint huge. So perhaps we are making the other person out to be the villain or the antagonist. So let’s say finally we do meet face to face, will our children’s fairy tale like aspirations be too overwhelming for reality of the truth? We are all dreamers and words on a page leave a lot for us to dream for, good and bad. Is it similar to beauty as we see it through the eyes of Photoshop? Does it make us get further and further away from true love as we read deeper and deeper into the ease of manipulating our own minds by applying our own inflections and scenarios to what people type?

Have you ever been on the edge about buying something for yourself, but you go to the website and fill out all the info anyway, even as you debate it. As you finish up you are still on the fence, but you stare at the enter button. You drag your mouse over it, and without a second thought you CLICK, because you cannot take it back. And at that point all that is left is just to convince yourself that it was a good choice. The same can apply to conversations, especially in a place like AIM. During a conversation where there is no instant repercussions it is easier to say “I love you” or “You bitch” or anything between the lines, because all you have to do is hit enter. You don’t have to worry about seeing their face, or them seeing yours.

Which leads me to the idea of “second chances”.

These forms of interaction give you a chance to say or hear it first, take a moment, analyze the situation and form the right answer, not YOUR answer. You essentially are able to look through the deck and “Play the right card”. Oh and if you guessed wrong and the house had an ace you can twist your words, “Oh I totally meant that in a sarcastic tone” “Oh I’m sorry I meant that as a joke I have a dry sense of humor”. It is easier to let go of what someone says as a misinterpretation or wait till they type something you like to hold onto versus the things that would send up red flags if you heard it in their voice. With text and conversation held in text you can literally count up the things you like and do not like. You can erase the moments that didn’t fancy your palette. Problem is, because you don’t know how jazzed they were on the other side, you once again are forming opinions about how they feel about things through how you feel. Weighing their amount of interest in something by your own.

So who is it that you are talking to on the other side? Is it perhaps just a version of yourself? Does the anonymity and lack of inflection allow for your to read their words as that dream person or perhaps in your own voice?

Is this a great way for people who may not like face to face conversation to interact?
Or could it be, we are working against our own aspirations through the rudimentary idea that we sit in class at age 12 and analyze other’s work, such as poetry and literature, and through these actions we form opinions. But when the other person is alive and breathing on the other end to explain where as a dead poet would scream from the grave to be able to explain the truth.

I suppose time will show more on this one. But if we continue to move further and further from interaction and more into twitter spheres where you must be followed to be popular but you need to follow first to be followed making your ability to read your followed less and less, you might as well just not talk at all.

Perhaps the generations will just skip me, and I will be lost in the archaic idea of feeling by being close to the other person. Perhaps I will be a character from “Demolition man” and be shunned for trying to talk vs sending a txt or in their case touching during sex, vs virtually fantasizing about it. Funny part is, they predicted Arnold would be governor in that movie, so who is to say they are that off on the idea of interactions.

It scares me because people do tend, myself included, to choose the path which is least intrusive on our lives, quirks, fears, but do more people than just me feel that burning desire to meet in person and frustration caused by countless txts leading to no next step. I like to move forward, and these types of interactions don’t have a very planned path, because we can leave them with whatever excuse fits us for the day, “tired” “work early” gonna grab some food” etc etc. But what truth is in it all?

You’re not unattractive or ugly. You’re just pretty in a way I can’t appreciate.

4.99$ is harder than .99 cents 10 times…

So I have an issue. It has to do with the App store for the Ipad. I have this issue with paying for apps. I suppose that may be because I was an android user first. Well whatever the reason, I have come to the conclusion it is OK to spend on items that are worth their price in time… but I still can’t get over my fear of the 4.99 App… 

I look at an App that is 4.99 and I really want, it will provide me with at least 5 hours of say puzzle game type usage and if compared to say a 2 hour movie that costs 11 dollars, or a console game that is 50 dollars for about 8 hours, this seems very worth it.

But what do I do, I sit there and stare at it, read the reviews, add it to my wishlist, play the trial, and NOT download it. Then I go to the app store and search similar items and end up saying well, I can get the .99 cent app and I do this over and over 10 times until I go back to the App I REALLY wanted to realize, well shit I just spent more than that App on Apps I didn’t REALLY WANT. And I STILL won’t buy the 4.99$ App. Specially not now afters spending the other money… ARGGGG!!!!

I have problems 😛

4.99$ is harder than .99 cents 10 times…

So I have an issue. It has to do with the App store for the Ipad. I have this issue with paying for apps. I suppose that may be because I was an android user first. Well whatever the reason, I have come to the conclusion it is OK to spend on items that are worth their price in time… but I still can’t get over my fear of the 4.99 App… 

I look at an App that is 4.99 and I really want, it will provide me with at least 5 hours of say puzzle game type usage and if compared to say a 2 hour movie that costs 11 dollars, or a console game that is 50 dollars for about 8 hours, this seems very worth it.

But what do I do, I sit there and stare at it, read the reviews, add it to my wishlist, play the trial, and NOT download it. Then I go to the app store and search similar items and end up saying well, I can get the .99 cent app and I do this over and over 10 times until I go back to the App I REALLY wanted to realize, well shit I just spent more than that App on Apps I didn’t REALLY WANT. And I STILL won’t buy the 4.99$ App. Specially not now afters spending the other money… ARGGGG!!!!

I have problems 😛

Why can’t we work on love?

I believe working on love as a conscious effort is just as important as “the instant” love. I mean if we can work on bettering ourselves, or even work at a job we love, why can’t we also work on love. Isn’t Love Money Fame and Happiness some of the top things people want? So We work towards all the others, why not love too, it is just as important.

OW, why must balls cause your stomach to go into birth convulsions when you by accident squeeze them moving in your seat… OWWW OWW OWWWWWWW!

My stupid self.

Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re probably right.

Likelihood is, if you broke up, you are not meant to be with each other EVER.

I want those “thoughtless” highschool nights back.

So as I reminisce to those moments in high school that I hated. Ya know anytime in high school. lol Ok so I have been thinking of those simple nights in which I sat there with a girl in my arms. We would kiss, we would talk about very little, hardly scratch the surface of each other’s lives, as there was little surface to scratch back then. Yet we would be content. Regardless of the drama caused by all the world around us, we managed to live it up and enjoy each moment, even enjoy a small amount of cat and mouse.

So Ok I don’t want to go back there or waste time with the cat and mouse style games anymore, but part of me wants to incorporate some of the antics back into my life. By this I mean the innocence of it all. The long months where all we needed was the kiss into the late night hours, the dances when we dressed up and went to an unfamiliar place, a drive to no where, a moment when our parents would leave and I would sit you up on the counter and stand in between your legs just thinking about you in my life. Playing with your hair for hours, rubbing my fingers down your arms as you nestled into my chest. The idea that, I was a virgin and so were you, and there was no pressure to do anything but enjoy the simpler aspects of the relationship.

Now imagine incorporating this into a relationship now as we get older. You get the same floating feeling but instead of only scratching the surface you gain an insight to the other person with the time spent. And the idea here is that even if you have the urge to go further into non virgin territory, you hold your ground for as long as you can, and then you keep a lively relationship up to learn as much as possible before you are driven with the other brain.

Imagine, now in our lives, we live on our own, we pay our bills, we are free to do like we always hoped for when in our puppy dog love so many years ago. So let’s fall into each others eyes, head over heels, but keep in mind past experiences so we can catch each other during the fall and not get swept away with false pretense emotions or the idea of love(Ever fall in love with love? I have..).

Sure there are things to do other than sex to keep the tensions down lol, but the point here is that I am going to base my future relationships on this idea, that perhaps the scariest thing in a relationship is to have sex. Why do you think there are condoms, so we do not have children before we are ready. Well why even have to worry about this? Or why even be pressured? When I was younger sex wasn’t even an idea, I was excited enough if you ate some ice cream then kissed me. A simple sensation made extra receptive through that innocence and plain young love/emotion.

Yes I believe whole-heartedly that if you are not sexually compatible it can hinder your true relationships progression. But who is to say you cannot figure out how sexually compatible you are through falling in love before you begin it? What if the simple feeling of love creates compatibility for such an act? Why even use such a strong word as love, what about simple COMFORT with one another?

You can stay in my house leaving a light on when I see when I get home. You can come home knowing I will still look at you with a gleam in my eyes, but this time we are free to be who we were those many years ago, without the infinite odds against us and hormones raging out of control. And even without curfew it gives us a new reason to figure out small things to make the time spent interesting such as: how to sneak in that one last kiss before bedtime.

We will see where it gets me.

Wish people would look at each other like Trees. If you cut to the core, you will see the rings of life and understand there is much more than just the ONE ring you can see at that moment.

Me 🙂

You define love

I think love itself doesn’t know how it works. I believe each individual will find love based on their perception thus making it so indefinable yet with so many definitions.

I think simple and extravagant can mean the same thing when you are laying in the grass with the person you love staring at the stars sneaking a peak at one another.

And sometimes a moment becomes a memory right as it is happening, because it is so significant you want to capture it forever. And without these moments, these experiences, can you ever know how to love?

I have a different opinion on the “knowing yourself” before you can meet someone else. Albeit I respect who I am and don’t really have walls to life, and really am always me 24 / 7(with some help here and there to remember) but I thought a lot about that idea and I came up with, I believe we will find ourselves till the day we die because the days leading up to death define us, as well as the people we meet. So if we didn’t look while we were also finding ourselves it would be too late.

I think there are hallmark ways of going about it and also ways to be inquisitive while still respecting the boundaries as well as pushing the standards.

So you define love, when it can make you so confused. 🙂

Thinking of you…

I love my window because it has the fire escape on it and when I sit there looking out at the rusting metal with bits of black paint peeling from it, it clears my head. Something about it makes me feel good. And through that release from my own thoughts puts me into my thoughts even more.

“I am the white crayon”

Lately even the simple question of “have you been getting any work” or “do you have any job prospects” makes me quiver. Not because I don’t want to answer. It is hard to define what I feel when I get asked that. It doesn’t even have to be in question form, even the simplest of “I hope you are ripping up NYC!” something meant with the best intent and I understand it and appreciate it throws me for a loop. I think one of the things that gets me bothered is that many people think that I left to go back to NYC with a very defined clear objective in mind and that in a few months they would be able to come out here and see or hear of my achievements, when in reality it has been 3 months already and the first 1 and a half were spent in a sort of alter reality where I acted as if there was a death in the family, and I could hardly leave my house unless it was to do something mindless like workout or sit on the bed of a friend watching them go about their daily life as I just took up space.
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The “Ex” game.

Why do we always have this inclination to go back with our ex’s. Is there something hardcoded into our brains to bring on the extra hurt? I mean don’t we get enough of that shit just on a daily basis from simpler things? We have to subject ourselves to our ex’s because our brains can’t retain the reasons and rationality to why we left in the first place. We seem to all suffer from short-term memory when it comes to this subject. I mean yes there is also the idea that it worked at one point so there will be some satisfaction for us, or the possibility that things have changed, but what do we usually break up over; the core of a person, not their daily quirks that are always going to change over time. So in essence we embark on something that is going to hurt one or both people again just to feel that relationships moments. Be it the comfort of “knowing each other” or the acceptance of flaws or perhaps the movie like atmosphere of all the bits pieced together.

I mean it is almost like being the person who will only tell you the truth while drunk. But once the buzz wears off it is ok to go back on everything you said, regardless of it being THE TRUTH. Just in reverse, for this case… you already know the truth when sober but go into a drunken state where you forget all the shit that makes you and that person not work and decide hmm I need to go back to the ex.

A relationship that is “on and off” just seems like something that is destined to fail.

We have a strange tendency to forget the reasons why a relationship failed in the past. I mean immediately after the relationship ends, even if the paint is still wet, tears dropping, we forget EVERYTHING bad that happened and why we wanted to break up in the first place. Our brain represses memories faster than a therapists wet dream! It “protects us”, but we need to let those moments live and breath to learn.

Maybe the moment was so intense for us at the time, the minute it is over, we look back and wonder if we did the right thing. Because all of a sudden the intensity can never be the same and all we can remember are snippets. And usually we remember the best things of those or the places we leave, without the true ability to really comprehend what we didn’t enjoy. So imagine that in an “on and off” relationship, the memories are gonna be all fucked up.

As we age I believe there is only so much pain we are willing to subject ourselves to when it comes to relationships and on and off just doesn’t fly anymore. Not to say it doesn’t happen, but I think you realize it isn’t worth it as you get down the line more and would rather find happiness with yourself alone or with the RIGHT person than to just be content or settle.

Although I also see where this can be the opposite effect, and someone as they age wants to settle rather than be alone, which also has fail written all over it.

I wish there was a study of divorces in America vs overseas. And then compare that to the legit happy couples. Just to see if the cultural difference changes it.

But we all play the ex game. And I just don’t know why we subject ourselves to it. Not to mention the new separation from true communication with social sites, texting, and email, really makes it easier to flirt and mind fuck those who used to be in our lives, be it a txt after a year of not talking saying hi, or a post on their facebook wall, it is our subconscious or even main conscious just playing the ex game.

So what phone numbers do you have in your phone that you keep although you should probably delete them 😛

A Little Reminder…

There is something to be said about humidity. It is an equalizer. I had forgotten what it was like to sweat just by leaving your front door. I avoided summers back home in ny because of it. I enjoyed the summers in california much better. I remember my.first year i took vacation i thought i should take it during the summer. Mirroring my habits from highschool and college. I got home those years back and remember not only the experience when i was home but the feeling of relief when i got back to california. I realized then i should probably stay im the place with the better weather during that.season. it felt weird to appreciate caliornia more than what was home. But now that i have returned i have found myself looking forward to even if in the strangest love hate relationship going out into the humid summer air and feeling remenicsent, comforted, and thoughtful. Thoughtful on what it is about ny that makes us tied to it. What i have come up with for this particular challenge is the way the simple weather which does suck don’t get me wrong really bonds you with the people around you. You stand om the subway dripping from heat yet you get off with the person next to you. You gather yourself running your hand over your.hairline preserving whatever semblence of preperation you have done for the day or evening adventures. And it doesn’t matter if your hair has begun to curl or your shirt is slightly darkened in the back. You are almost tied to the people around you because.of the hardship you brush off as everyday. But not only that you learn to be yourself. Because.the weather may not allow for your body to tll your story. You will still walk five.blocks. you.will still dance your ass off. You will be you. And you will not be in a situation where you feel like you cannot be you. So this small thing called humidity. Mother natures jest doesn’t slow you in the slightest. Even of you become self.concious the people around you indirectly ease the feeling. Is this the reason that i feel and see the differences between the east and west coasts. No this is just one of the reminders that there is a difference. And at the moment i will take my dance club where all odds are against us physically and still opt to dance with everyone else. A little reminder is all.

My message to

I am seeking guidance.

I get these moments of relief from what I can only describe as overwhelming anxiety. These moments come from the strangest or most obvious reasons. I am on the end of one moment of relief right now from watching a simple movie of blatant romance.  Sometimes I am given these opportunities to see, and as my day showed me, sometimes I have no more control than to pace back and forth, and lay down, get up, walk straight, or stand still. But knowing there IS guidance, that gives me strength. Be it from myself, my subconscious, or those around me. Because I tell you my self conscious self is super strong right now, and makes it obvious every time I fall asleep, bringing my thoughts into a dream state, with symbolism and happy or nightmarish experiences. Sleep that wakes you abruptly not letting you sleep again or forcing you not to wake. Continue reading

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